Recommended Completion Format: Individual or small group work, finished within 2-4 club meetings

Checkpoint Brief

Brands represent a company. They can distinguish themselves from their competitors, narrate what your company does, and shape how it gets perceived. Brands build our commercial world, and, as a brand establishes familiarity and notoriety, credibility is built with it.

Your challenge is to turn a well-known brand of your choice into one with a distinctly different mission or strategy. For example, your redesign might see McDonalds as a luxury restaurant, or Nike as a maternity clothing brand.

Brand Suggestions

Quick Links:

Design Deliverables

Checkpoint Plus Deliverables

For the Branding Checkpoint Plus, rebrand the original company you selected in a different way, with the same deliverable tasks, in addition to the regular Checkpoint's deliverables. You can choose a new mission or strategy if you’d like.

Alternatively, you can choose to rebrand a different company. Again, you have the same deliverable tasks in addition to the regular Checkpoint deliverables.

Recommendations to Get Started